
Friday, 3 August 2012

...taking a break

So I'm taking a week off. I promised the wee folks some fun time and it starts tomorrow! I have even pinkie promised not to actually physically go into the office for a week from tomorrow. I saw my assistant actually breath a big sigh of relief when this was, secretly I think she's delighted to get me out of her hair for a week...I think she thinks I might be a little untidy or, I dunno... she is a trooper though and this year in particular I'd have been lost without her many, many a time, and not just in work, she's one of those friends that holds you up when you feel like there is no ground beneath your feet. She's a rock.

As well as all her normal stuff she'll be taking over my emails and admin also, so please do bear with us if emails are slow to answer next week, it's been a while since the whole show was handled by just one person, and I'd kinda like her to keep going with the eating and the sleeping....

Anyhow I'm hoping to take the wee folks on a a few spins, eat a few pic-nics that sort of thing, I'm allowed a camera, just not access to my computer....

You might just see me on facebook over the next week...but if you aware that it's probably midnight where I am, and I'll be under the duvet hiding the light of the phone from my wee folks...

chat soon!


  1. Have so much fun, Claire!! Go enjoy that gorgeous countryside!!

  2. Hope you have a lovely break - you deserve it!

    Lynn Wild

  3. Have a great week. can't wait to see how relaxed you are when you return.

  4. Have a wonderful break hun, you all deserve it, I think, and sometimes it really does pay, to just cutof for a few days and spend time together. So go for it and have a wonderful week with qualitytime all together and forget all about us here, we´ll still be here, when you get back, so no worries hun ha ha ha.

  5. Enjoy your break Claire!
    Hugs Karin

  6. hope you have a wonderful week with lots of sunshine. Love from Holland.

  7. Happy Holidays Claire! Hope the weather smiles for you!

  8. Enjoy your well deserved break with the kids! Hope the weather up there is better then down here in Wexford!!

  9. Have a fun week - you deserve it. Hope you get picnic weather :-)

  10. Good thing, Claire! Wishing you lots and lots of fun!! Enjoy!
    Hugs, Wendy

  11. Claire, It's time to take a wee break and enjoy some time with your "littles" and take a few photos to document these precious days together.
    Wishing you a restful and refreshing bit of time off.
    Sandy in Epping

  12. Have a wonderful time with the family - eat, drink and be merry!!! And share some photos when you get back!

  13. Have a lovely rest Claire, you deserve it! Xx

  14. Have a fun week of relaxation and tooling around with the kids!!!!

  15. Enjoy your much deserved vacation! Have fun and relax!
    :) Jill

  16. have a splendid time, Claire. you guys deserve a good break with all that's been going on! and the wee folk have a right to hog some time with their mum...after all you give us so much of your time & thoughts when you're working on WMS things!

  17. Hi Claire
    Have a great time with your wee ones its treasured time sharing as they grow up so quick. Hope you and your family have a well deserved break.
    Hugs Rizwana xx

  18. Have a lovely time Claire and forget the office, you reserve a break with everything you have had to cope with this year. We look forward to having you back 'bright eyed and busshy talied!!

    Hugs Helena D

  19. Enjoy this time with your loved ones! Have fun, Claire!

  20. Hope you're having a wonderful time! And I hope you'll share some pretty pictures with us when you're back.


Thanks for taking the time to comment, :) I read them all and I appreciate you taking time to visit!