
Friday 24 February 2012

...peeky number 7 and competition!

ED - this comp is now closed!!

And you know these are going to match my favorite dies...don't you??

ED- I'll pick one random commenter tomorrow night! Please only post once! :)

OK ladies, I think it's time for a random giveaway - this one will run until tomorrow, Saturday night and it's for 2 free sets from the upcoming release. (I will also be running a grand competition during the release, deets for that once the samples begin on Sunday).

What I want to know is....what type of stamper are you? - you can choose from this list, or pick your own word, but please use only one word to describe yourself - this is agony I know, and I like to think I have more than one string to my bow, but for my word I will pick...'Clean'

Here are some suggestions, pick one or use your own and post your definition of your fave stamping style here!

(see how I turned that into one word by using the hyphen?)


  1. Am torn between clean and contemporary but settled on :


    Thanks for the chance to win some of your lovely sets Claire xxx Fingers crossed.

  2. I would say I'm eclectic. I am so inspired by all the different designers on the 'net that I try to emulate many different styles. Also, my style depends on my mood for that day. I like clean & simple when I'm fussy and want a quick card, or when I'm feeling especially creative, I'll go layered and lumpy!

  3. Clean - most of the time I like simple, fresh, to the point designs. Either the focal point (image) or sentiment has to stand out for me.
    Don't get me wrong, I love embellishments but usually only opt for one to three additions to the card...anything more than that and I feel quickly overwhelmed.

  4. Clean! Thanks for the chance to win!

  5. Loving all the peeks do far, Claire!

    I would define my stamping style as contemporary.

    I love bright colors, bold patterns and unexpected color combinations.

  6. Only one word eh? I would have to say 'Balanced' - I really like cards that have a sense of balance and symmetry to them. Thanks so much for the chance to win Claire! I am excited for this release!! :)

  7. While I try new things, I think I'm a clean and simple stamper.. I layer, I emboss, I do venture out... but I always come back to simplicity because organized simplicity is always my goal in life I think!
    Love your sneak peeks...

  8. HOw can I pick only one? I like a little of everything!!

    If pressed, I guess I would say Shabby-hyphen-chic.

    My second choice would be clean.


    I can't WAIT to see this release, Claire!! I feel like it's been forever since we saw one from you!

  9. I'm going to go with experimental. I'm still trying to figure out a style, but I kind of have the feeling that I never actually will. I like all the different styles out there and I love trying them out and seeing how the feel/fit.

  10. Hi :-)
    I am definately a "last-minute" stamper. The more time pressure there is, the better it's going. :o)
    xx Kathi

  11. just one word? definitely messy ;)

  12. Ok, I would say I am Clean-collage: I love the collage look for my cards but I want my sentiments to be clean - in a nut shell ;)

  13. Aquisitional - When I see what is new out there, I want it! When I buy embellishments, I am reluctant to use them, for fear I may not find them again. If I see a cute card sample, gotta find the supplies. Wow, this is a strange description, but one that fits me! Thanks for the chance to win!

  14. Oh I love it when you make stamps to match dies. I'm such a sucker for frames/labels!!

    My style, for the most part, my cards are Clean.

  15. Simple Stamper, that's me! I've not been stamping long so I've lots to learn :)

  16. FAST !!!

    I am currently trying to build up a collection of cards to sell for Tearfund's 'Make Life Flow' campaign, and I am making them in batches of 4 at a time !

    Lovin' the sneaky peeks !! Thanks for the opportunity to win !

  17. I consider myself to be a 'clean' stamper!

  18. Choose one word, thats a difficult one. I think my style changes with my mood. But I probably err tward 'clean'.

  19. Ok, I hate to admit this but the one that jumped out at me was fussy. I have just a wee bit of a perfectionist streak in me. Drives me crazy when I see something on my card that is just slightly askew.

    As for the peek today - a houndstooth label frame??!! Be still my heart!

  20. Oh dear do I have to go with just one lol! OK Magpie sounds about right, picking up ideas here there and everywhere. Or is that jackdaws?
    Waiting impatiently to see the new releases

  21. This is tough!! But I think I tend to be:


    I don't have a definite style - I like to play! Can't wait to see the samples!

  22. I'll have to go with experimental - I don't think I have a style yet, it's so much fun trying different ones! Thanks for the chance to win. Ger x.

  23. Clean! I love CAS but haven't mastered the Simple part yet. I also love to add a touch of whimsy!

  24. Just 'Gerdine' - style??? :) Well, that's a combination of different styles!

  25. I guess I'm mostly experimental. I usually don't like to make the same thing twice. Thanks for the awesome giveaway Claire! ;-}

  26. I'm definitely:


    Or at least I try to be. LOL Can't wait to see the new release!

  27. I would say "classic", although I'm not really sure what that would mean, LOL!

  28. I'm experimental I think!!!

    Mary Poutou

  29. Clean all the way. No tea-dying or distressed edges for me. Can't wait to see all your sets!

  30. Definately Chaotic!!! I get on a tangent and there are stamps and blocks and ink pads everywhere until I get the exact look I'm looking for. In the wake of this creative surge there are always casualties - lost dies, the safety pin stamp etc.

  31. "Random" because it depends on how I'm feeling, what stamp I'm using, what colours, inspired by other people on the web, loads of different factors. Can't wait to see the samples of the new sets, I'm very intrigued by the sneak peeks. It feels like forever since the last release.

  32. Clean!
    Hugs from Anne-Elise

  33. wow is this hard. I guess as of lately I am a cute kind of girl.

  34. The only word that came straight to my mind was:-


    don't / can't do complicated!

    Thanks for the chance to win these fabby stamps.
    Jo x

  35. hard to pick ONE WORD!! :)


    Thank you SO MUCH for a chance to win!!!! The peeks are looking fantastic! Can't wait to see them in full! :)

  36. Since the word 'novice' isn't on there, I'll go for clean!

  37. "Cute". I almost always add some cute details, to get a happy card.Thats what I most like.

  38. Slow. It takes me forever to finish one card!

  39. I like several different styles: vintage, shabby-chic, cute, soft and feminine or bright and cheerful. I don't know that Magpie is though. lol

  40. I'm varied!!!

    Loving all the peeks!!!

  41. My word would have to be 'challenged' because I love to use sketch challenges to help get the ideas flowing. Kx

  42. Experimental. That may be cheating because in my mind the word could cover a lot of territory. I love trying new techniques be they cute, fussy, vintage… Well, you see where I’m headed. Yes, I am experimental.

  43. the type who is usually making BELATED (or very last-minute) cards!!


  44. Experimental-magpie? Gotta love the hyphen!

    One word. . . Magpie!

  45. If I can pick my own word, then I'll say I am RANDOM.

    I try to be CAS and make it sometimes, but other times I add a whole lot of activity to the card before I can stop myself. I am trying to embrace my flaws, otherwise I'd say my word is MESS. ;)

  46. I have gotten quite a kick of out reading everyone's responses (and of the sneak peeks- can't wait for Feb 29!) My style would be cute.

  47. I guess I'm contemporary but I think a better word is nervous! I'm afraid I won't get the right impression on my project!

  48. Mixed, sporadic, random, clean..... Oh, I wish I knew myself!!! Wait, did you say one word, lol! Another fun sneak!

  49. Ha ha ha ha that´s really hard, but then I think, I´ll havae to say cute-vintage he he .

  50. Ohhh, fun contest but I have no idea how to describe me, lol. I'll go with.... linear-layered (the hyphen makes it count as one word, right?? :)

  51. That's a difficult one for me. I guess I'd be a vintagy-shabby-chicist type, but it's mostly whatever comes to mind!!

  52. For one word only....


    Would so love to win some of your lovely stamps Claire!

  53. Hi, Claire,

    Thanks for the chance of winning!

    I'd describe my style as 'experimental'. I'm hugely influenced by what I see from other crafters and like to try out different techniques and maybe add my own twist to them.

    Looking forward to seeing all the new stamps. Thanks, again. :D

  54. one word... Will have to be 'addicted' then! looking forward to seeing the lovely new stamps. Thanks for the chance to win

  55. Perfectionist!

    Although my family call me a Magpie as I hoard pretty, shiney things in case they come in handy for a project!

    Loving the peeks and thank you for the chance to win some of the new stamps.

    Lynn Wild

  56. Too many choices! But I keep coming back to above all - clean.

  57. what a fabulous a word, I'm

    ecletic!! LOL

  58. I was going to say "clean", because that is my favorite style. But I do tend to dabble in some other styles, so I think I'll go with experimental. Loving all the new peeks!!!

  59. I'm definitely linear.

    Loving the samples we've seen so far and looking forward to seeing all the new sets.

  60. I would have to say clean, can't wait for the release!

  61. Vintage (because of my age) :)
    and minimalist shabby-chic

  62. i try my best to keep my stamping clean and simple. i tend to over-think and over-do-it, so i force myself to hold back when i stamp. :)

  63. Really hard to choose one but I'm going to borrow the term 'eclectic' from Maureen.

    I'm loving all the peeks and can't wait to see more :)

  64. Hmmmm....I'm going to say mixed bag. I can be CAS as well as shabby-chic. I also like clean and modern as well as romantic. I guess it's whatever strikes my mood at the time.


  65. I think that word is CLEAN - simple style :->

  66. Up until lately I've been pretty clean, but now I've started experimenting more, so who knows what will come from that!? ;-)

  67. Simple--I like clean lines and simple to make.

  68. difficult to choose just one word.....but would have to say CLEAN! looking forward to this release! laura j

  69. I think I'm esoteric. Usually I'm, er..., classic... I just stamp and color with Copics (and soon the Distress Markers!) but I try to use other techniques occasionally (like those Tim Holtz shows on his tags). LOVE the new herringbone! Just finished the second season of Sherlock with cutie pie Benedict Cumberbatch.

  70. I would have to say:
    that is, I love to look at and then C.A.S.E. other people's work. Suits me, don't you think? Looking forward to your new release! :)

  71. This is a tough one...but when I read through everyone's comments so far the one that jumped out to me was Nerina's uncluttered and I think I would like to borrow her style and use it as my own. Not a surprise since I love everything that Nerina does.

  72. I'd say I am a clean stamper!


  73. Lol at magpie.....DEFINITELY attracted to shiny things....
    Last minute and messy....

    But the word that best describes me as a stamper is CONTENT .... Now matter how if I'm playing with paper I'm happy...

  74. I think I would say "cute!"

    The sneak peeks have been so much fun, can't wait for Sunday!

    Chris L.

  75. I'm mostly clean :-D

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  76. Loving all the sneaks, Claire! Ohhh...just one word?? I guess maybe "CUTE"??
    Perhaps not every card, but I think that sums it up. That's my nickname too for a long time...but now I'm too old to use it hehe. This is FUN!! Thanks!

  77. I'm going to have to go with Experimental - goodness, I'd be here all night if I were to try coming up with my own word! I like to try new techniques, and different styles ~ maybe eclectic? I'll make vintage, clean and simple, just about anything :) . Enjoying your peeks!

  78. I'd have to say Experimental . . . I like to try new things, new techniques and styles. And I do a little bit of everything from vintage to clean and simple. Anything is fair game!

    Enjoying the peeks, Claire :)

  79. two words...old school.

    I've been stamping for 20 years. I still heat emboss, make stamped backgrounds(there were no great DP when I started),no ribbons or buttons, lots of coloring etc.

    The new release looks fantastic. I can't wait.

  80. Orderly. What a word, but my cards tend to line up, are evenly spaced, logical. Wish I was more shabby-chic as I love that style, but it is like pulling teeth for me to make that type of card. Thanks for the chance to win some of your fabulous new stamps.

  81. These peeks have been a lot of fun! I'd say I'm mostly a clean stamper, although I do like to dabble in the others too!

  82. Oh my god, one word only... I love simple things but I also really like trying my hands at new techniques so I would say experimental!
    Thnaks for the wonderful opportunity to win some of your new sets ( can''t wait to see them)

  83. I'll have to say cute. Although clean is the style I usually use - because it's typically faster and time is short, cute is the descriptor because those are the stamp images I am drawn too the most.

  84. Contemporary with a little experimental thrown in.

    craftymom205 at yahoo dot com

  85. I would have to say my style is "fussy-clean"! Thanks, Claire!

  86. My style is Shabby-Chic. I do like other styles but that is the one that comes naturally to me.

  87. shabby-vintage! See how I made that one word by using a hyphen?!

  88. Loved reading this post! I'm going to go with a fairly generic "contemporary". Looking forward to the upcoming release!

  89. Mocking-bird!!
    (Which means I copy other people, but do something different to make it my own:-)
    Love the sneek peeks: can't wait!!!

  90. Eclectic! I will do or try just about anything! I like options and variety. I enjoy many styles and translate that into my own unique one! Claire, your stamps are phenomenal! Thanks for the chance to win some! :)

  91. I love all types of stamping ,but i would have to say my word would be.

  92. Clean and simple - I don't like too many emellies and I do like white space! Don't always achieve it but I try!

  93. I def. dont have a definite style im more of an Eclectic gal. I like shabby meets clean with a touch of vintage. I guess that makes me experimental but I def. have a preference to certain styles lol

  94. got to be


    with a twist

  95. I would choose clean. It is so hard for me to pile things onto my cards. I like a basic design with focus on the image.

  96. I'd have to say "clean" for the stamping style....however I tend to end up very "inky"!

  97. Vintage! Loving the sneak peeks :-)

  98. Eclectic. I certainly do not just have one style. I like to evoke different styles, feelings, eras on different projects and use many different types of elements in my designs...I can be all over the place, LOL!

  99. Experimental :)

    I definately play about with my stamps and see what uses I can find for them besides the obvious :)

  100. Mine would be:
    Don't always stick to that, but that is what I always love the most!
    Hugs, Wendy

  101. I am a VINTAGE and EXPERIMENTAL stamper. For sure, not fast and simple, I like the process of creating.

  102. I'd have to say
    CLEAN but some of the posters
    mentioned perfectionist....well, I'd like to be that but sadly don't think I am/will be so clean will have to do for me....and your stamps always stamp cleanly anyhow.

  103. Mine is;
    clean-vintage style.

    Love old soft colors...but just am not able to put many things on my cards it..but just don't know always looks too much..there for clean.

  104. eclectic....
    made up of elements selected from various sources

  105. Clean

    Thanks for the chance to win!


  106. I would say fussy and cute (if it's alright to choose two !). Thank you so much for giving us the chance to win one of your sets. I found your shop a few weeks ago and I have already purchased three sets and I must say that the quality of your stamps and the designs are second to none ! Keep them coming please ! Have a great day Sweetie ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  107. ECLECTIC, most definitely!
    (or as my m-in-l puts it "fickle as a fart in a windstorm!"
    she would know, as she is the most frequent recipient of my cards ;-p
    Sandy in Epping

  108. I was going to say experimental, but in reading through the comments I SO totally agreed with the previous poster who said acquisitional. There are so many supplies that I just had to get because of something online, but now can't remember their original purpose! Oh well, I'll never run out of supplies! Definitely getting ready to place a big order at release - loving the peeks.

  109. Probably fussy because I love to fussy cut everything. Something soothing about manipulating the paper and using scissors. Can't wait for the release, and thanks for the chance to win.

  110. I am going to go with clean and cute even though I am inspired to try other looks once in a while.

  111. I'd have to say I'm a 'dabbler'. I putter about with my products with indecisive agony. As a result, when a project needs to be finished it's a dash to the last minute. Thank you and looking forward to the release!

  112. "Colorful." Not necessarily bright in color, but my fave card is a breath of fresh air in the color scheme, image, and sentiment to both the recipient and myself.

  113. Wannabe is all I can say. I see so many great ideas and can't ever get one to look good enough to me.

  114. Uncluttered is my word. I like stuff but not too over the top. I love your sets and use them all the time. Keep up the good work. If you ever come to the states, I have a craft room and two extra bedrooms. And lots of toys for younger crowd!

  115. One word is so hard but I would have to go with 'magpie' because I pick bits up from everywhere. The peeks look great Claire.

  116. Messy! I remember making a Halloween card with the WM Hallowen Party set & after I finished it I realized I had accidentally stamped the witch on my cheek!!!!

  117. Modern-vintage. That's a cool word/style coined by Kelly. I think that is me in a "nutty" shell. Lol. Thank heavens for hyphens by the way.

  118. Experimental leaning towards clean!

  119. Uncluttered…don't like TOO many embellishments on my cards!

  120. Simple..
    I still have lots to learn. But do love all your stamps sets and am getting my stash up lol

  121. Vintagey, love the old fashioned worn, torn look of anything. The more embellishments, the better for me. Love the mouse!!!

  122. My word would be "inky!" - always seem to have it on my fingers, hands and that's before I get out the distress inks!!!!!

  123. Eclectic

    I shamelessly stole this idea from Maureen! That way we can have it all, and still use only one word! LOL

  124. I don't know if I have a "style". I'm always trying new things so I guess you could say experimental. I think I don't put to much thought into putting a label on it and just go with what feels right. Maybe that could be classified as organic? :) Thank you for a chance to win. I simply adore Waltzingmouse!

  125. Hi everyone

    I think the word is: addicted! ;-)

  126. Layered - I absolutely love having loads of layers on my cards!

  127. I'd have to call my "style" balanced or structured. I love using sketches-everything in its place. This is not to be confused with my craft space which is anything but structured or organized. Looking forward to a great release!

  128. Grungy!!! (I hope that's how you spell messy, inky and mega distressed- the card not me!!)

  129. Currently my style is: changing. I have always been a fun and cute stamper, but lately I'm being drawn to more vintage, natural, and even shabby-chic style stamps and products. I was such an avid fun and cute gal and it just seems so strange that I can now be interested in something that is so different from that style. It's been an interesting creative time for me.

  130. Ha ha! Figures the first time I don't check back is a competition! I know it's closed but I love the stamps that match the dies. I am a clean and simple stamper, I'd like to be more involved but just don't have that kind of leisure time. Off to catch up on the blog.


Thanks for taking the time to comment, :) I read them all and I appreciate you taking time to visit!