
Thursday 15 January 2015

...Giveaway! Leave a comment to enter.

Gals I'm having a little clearout - I'm rearranging the office, I have a bunch of stuff in duplicate and some other goodies that you might like. I have stuffed all of these into an envelope today and I'm going to draw a comment from this post to win the lot, shipped free direct to your door. We ship anywhere, so all you international ladies are welcome to enter also!

Here's what you need to do to be in with a chance of winning this bundle:

Leave a comment on this post to tell me the one thing you would change about Waltzingmouse stamps as a company.

Comments for this post will be private until the competition ends, I will then draw a random winner and publish the comments. I'm doing it this way because I want you to really think about what one thing would make a difference to your experience of WMS and I don't want you to be inadvertently influenced by other comments.

This competition will end at 11.45pm my time on Saturday 17th January.

Let's hear you - I am very interested to see if we can do anything to improve your experience of WMS! Since I am tweaking the site anyhow, now's the time!


  1. Great wee give away Claire :-) Thanks for the chance to enter. I would love to see a monthly/quarterly stamp set/kit with maybe a competition for those buying the kit. :-) x

  2. So, there isn't actually anything I want to change about WMS - I love all the stamp sets, the matching dies are great. The website is good - hey you even get shipping from both USA and UK and the chance to earn rewards every time you purchase.
    I guess the only thing I would want to change is getting WMS out there - seeing them at more papercrafting shows, available from craft shops etc.
    But that's it - keep up the good work!

  3. OMG ... would LOVE to be the lucky recipient of all this crafty goodness! I do so need a jump start to get me out of my winter blues! Thanks for sharing with us!!!

  4. Dear Claire, I would love to see more "cute" images in the Waltzingmouse Stamps collection like Little Deer, Elf Made or Boo and Friends.

  5. Wow! This is such an awesome giveaway. Thank you so much for the chance to win.

    Well according to what I have seen and got to know about the Waltzingmouse company I really do love the variety of stamps and dies you offer but I would really appreciate seeing more product videos regarding your stamps and dies. I feel there is not enough advertising of your company as compared to other brands and as a new buyer, I would love to see more tips and tutorials either photo or videos ones on using your stamps and dies from every release.

  6. Have all the dies that go with a stamp set all sold together. Bit other than that nothing, you are doing an awesome job :)

  7. I like your site. I like your products. Why change it? The one thing I would like is more time to stamp and craft. If you could bottle that up you would make millions!

  8. Hi, I've thought long and hard about this as at first I couldn't think of any changes that needed to be made and then I remembered whilst I was searching through the stamp section of the shop recently I really wished you had the feature whereby, as you move the curser over the thumbnail image it is enlarged for ease of seeing the details. Although the thumbnails aren't that small it is a bit frustrating having to click on them to go to the full page and then click back again.
    That was it really.
    Thanks so much for having this smashing giveaway.

  9. More inspiration in blogland maybe. Post on a regular base and show us what we can do with your stamps! Not only during release time.

  10. Great giveaway, I must try some rearranging myself! I love Waltzingmouse Stamps as it is, but I would love to be able to buy it when I'm buying my other stamping supplies :)

  11. I just love your stunning stamps and dies!!!!! thank you for letting do so inspiring projects.
    Irene Mendes

  12. The site is a dream to navigate, you did great there already! If there is anything I would change, I'd pick a couple of other colours to make it look more fresh and modern, but other than that, I think your site is pretty great!

  13. I think you need more promotion - you have lots of lovely products but I don't really notice them like I do other brands. Sorry if this sounds rude, don't mean it to, just saying.....

  14. Would love to win this generous prize! I love your stamps but don't own any! I would like to see your entire line offered in the USA.

  15. I'd like to see the option to purchase the die and stamps together as well as separately. If purchased together a slight discount would be lovely. But sometimes I buy the stamp first and then the die when my budget allows. Other than than I love WMS!

  16. For me I would love to see more contemporary stamps and matching dies like the feathers and the dies without the registration holes as you can't use the negative then! Other than that, I hope you will be coming to Port Sunlight again :)

  17. I have to say, I do love Waltzingmouse Stamps! Though, to be quite honest, I only actually own a couple sets. I loooove many stamp sets, though the price/shipping (because I'm in the USA) tends to hesitate me from buying any. :( I understand with the costs of things, why prices need to be such. But it's just one of those hard things to swallow at times.

    Other than that, I think there's nothing to change! You have great quality and sets! I will certainly, continue to browse and occasionally buy. ;) Thank you so much for asking and having a fun giveaway in return. :)

  18. The one thing I would change about Waltzinmouse Stamps would be that a complete collection would be In my stash. I don't have enough of them, but I will do my best to remedy that, Waltzingmouse, do your part.

  19. Hello Claire. I really love your designs. The one thing that I would like to see is more designs geared towards making cards for men. It can be hard enough to make cards for the fellas but some manly designs would surely help out. Very best wishes for a prosperous 2015 especially with all your VAT woes. Cheers.

  20. What would I change? Not a lot, I like it just the way it is , love that there are often samples shown of items made with you stamps..... ah I've got it more sample examples would be nice X
    Sharon Wellings

  21. Wow, what a wonderful Giveawy with this beautiful mix of many possibilities. Great !
    Best regards, Synnöve

  22. WOW great give away!!
    I'm a huge waltzingmouse stampfan from the beginning and I don't want you to change anything. I't still is one of the best quality clearstamps I know..if not the best .Always get a nice crisp print of the stapms.

  23. I think that you should have more designers who then you post those pictures on social media Like Pinterest and Facebook.I always seem to be more influenced by seeing others creative masterpieces and then I fall in love with the stamp and have to have them!!

  24. I would love to see some smaller sets with smaller stamps for card making at lower prices perhaps. I do love the larger stamps and sets but find I can't quite afford them all the time, so the option of smaller more affordable mini sets with perfectly sized sentiments would be brilliant!

  25. I love all the stamps that you have created. Your site is easy to navigate too. I wouldn't change a thing. :-)

  26. I would make a U.S. satellite office that hosted crafty gatherings once a quarter over tea and cookies so we could gather and inspire each other, currently think the fact that your are UK based is unfair to those of us farther away.

  27. Claire love your company just as it is. Friendly service great correspondence really homely feel. If I did make a suggestion it would be that the packs that the stamps come in had image suggestions printed on them to give inspiration. I know the internet is a fountain of knowledge but when I am at my desk I love it when stamp sets have suggestions with them as I cannot access internet at my craft room. Not a life changer I know but something that would help me. Thanks again Claire and remember you don't really need to change!!!!

  28. Lauren Yoshizaki15 January 2015 at 15:53

    What a prize, thank you for the chance to win some awesome goodies!

  29. I love your stamps and would love to win a prize

  30. OMG Claire, I see some goodies I would love to have!!! Fingers crossed that I'm the lucky one! Thank you for the chance! I can't think of anything your site needs to change..I think it's perfect!!

  31. That's very generous of you Claire. WMS is pretty much perfect as it is, so I've struggled to come up with anything I'd change really. If I was being really picky I'd ask for a full list of all the stamps and dies so that I could print it off and tick off the ones I've already got, making it easier to plan what to buy next. I used to use the A-Z list of stamps, but recently it seems to be in release order rather than alphabetical. I think if it was arranged alphabetically it would also make it easier to locate the links to particular sets, as I like to include these when I'm blogging so that my readers know where to buy the products I've used. Also, I like to take part in the Pajama Parties, but find it had to make several projects with only a few day's notice. Would it be possible to announce the challenges a few days sooner each month to allow more time for us all to take part please?
    These are really just very minor things - you do a marvellous job already and I can't fault your speed of delivery, customer service, quality products, excellent Design Team, loyalty rewards, blog etc etc. Good luck with your tweaking!

  32. I think you are
    doing a great job
    with Waltzingmouse!
    Keep it up!
    Carla from Utah

  33. Not sure I'd change anything, but I wish your stamps were available in retail stores across the USA. :-)

  34. First of all, I LOVE WM Stamps and dies! The only thing that would increase my loving it more would be consistency of the PJ party, (when) with more prizes! And perhaps, more stamps and dies. Otherwise, love you and your product.

  35. Gosh that's difficult. I was originally drawn to WM because I loved the idea of stamps that were compatible with Spellbinders dies so I'd love to see more releases along those lines or stamps with your own matching dies


    more chunky style sentiments/ fonts, I like it when you can use a large sentiment as the focal point of a card and not have to hunt round for an image or whatever.

  36. I would add more sentiments and quotes. I never have the right thing to put inside my cards. More variety would be nice. Thank you!

  37. What would I change about WMS? I always think, when people ask this type of question, they're looking for helpful feedback, and, unhelpfully, I can't think of a single thing! I think it's a great company, with great products and a great blog. Don't change a thing. Go and take a nap instead 😁
    Thanks for the opportunity!

  38. I only recently discovered you and your stamps. I used to be all about die cutting, but of late, I am loving stampin and I find my favorites stamps are flowers and foliage, so I would say a change of more of this type of stamp ...thanks for a chance to win.

  39. Well, the only thing I can see, on the left when I click on stamps, it brings up categories of stamps... Myself personally, I would rather it instantly show pictures of stamps, starting with newest. I'm more likely to see something I came there looking for anyways, vs having to figure out what category it's under. That's just my personal preference. Thank you for the chance to win, your stamps are beautiful :)

  40. Well, I sure wouldn't change much, because I like your company the way it is.... But after searching for an idea, I would have to say more Christmas stamps, and fewer Halloween stamps.

  41. Because I live in the U.S., it would be wonderful to have a warehouse at least in the U.S. to order supplies from so the shipping doesn't cost us more than the items we're purchasing. That has been the biggest deterrent of ordering anything. I love all your stamps and own several, but not quite as many as I'd like. I love that you work with Spellbinders on making stamps that work with their dies.

  42. Move it to Texas, so I could come & pick up stamps from you!
    Besides that, I wouldn't change a thing. Your products & service are great.

  43. Waltzingmouse stamps has beautiful products-so no changes needed in quality! If I were to improve something, it would be to ask for a storage strategy for your generously sized sets. I know at some point the packaging will wear and they seem too big (not complaining :) ) for the plastic DVD cases. Let me know if I've missed organizing suggestions for your large sets. Thanks for the opportunity to win :)

  44. I would like to make the site a bit more search friendly. I was looking for all the half-pint-kiddie sets and it took me quite some time to find them, since I didn't know the name by heart. Would it be an idea to make a few more categories?

    Love the company though and thanks for the giveaway!

  45. I wish I could find your stamps and dies in the US. Poinsettia is still out of stock but I will keep trying! Linda L in Tennessee

  46. I love your stamps! One thing I wish you had were more dies matching the stamp sets. For example, I would love dies for Folk Art Medallion and Old Country Roses. Thank you, Pam

  47. Not entering to win anything Claire but I was wondering if you ever thought of 'customising' your stamp sets? There's always going to be stamps in any set that you may rarely there anyway you could customise sets by allowing people to choose the particular stamps they want? (And obviously charge extra for the service)

  48. If I could change one thing about Waltzingmouse stamps it would be lower prices.

  49. Ahhh,Claire!I can't honestly think that there's anything at all that you could do to improve on my experience of WMS. From the very beginning you've surpassed the best and it has been wonderful watching this happen, even if it's only been as a lurker for the past couple of years! Keep up the good work... Pxx

  50. I can't believe I have the first comment. I love your product but unfortunately don't own any. Only reason being is the high shipping costs to US. Otherwise I would have several stamps in my collection.

  51. I would love to see more coordinating dies for the stamp sets as I love being able to cut the images out quickly with a die cut machine rather than hand cutting. Thank you so much for the chance.

  52. I think you need more dies. Most companies have so many and I prefer them to svg files. I'd also like to see an awesome get well set. Most are either floral or super cutesy. I guess that isn't really how to change the company though. ;)

  53. Hi Claire. I'm happy with WMS the way it is. The stamp sets I have I am happy with. I like that you offer free shipping to the world and I like the PJ party - even though I don't often find time to play. Sorry I know you want something to change but I can't think of anything at the moment.

  54. ok, so I clicked on the "stamps I can ship to the us" but the pricing was in L, usd would be nice. love your stamps. :)

  55. First let me say that I love WMS stamps - the images, the quality and the customer service. For me personally, I'm always searching for uplifting, Christian sentiments and scripture so I would love to see WMS do more of that.

  56. Oh my, I just love WMS,just cannot afford the addiction. I break out every now and then but would love these things to add to my collection. I am a secret sneeker around the blog and the shop and those drool marks on the screen....they are mine. The elf stamp has been one I have hankered after but could not justify this year as I had an operation on my left hand late last year, and stamping Christmas cards was just beyond me - I had to construct simple cards with dies just to get the number completed. So, no colouring or stamping for me then! But the hand is healing and the fingers are working again - mostly, so I can do more fiddly work (except tie twine and bows!) I could really stamp up a storm with that little guy!

  57. Hmmm--this is a hard question to answer. Here is the only thing I can think of:
    While I love new stamps I also would love creative new ways to use my old ones.

  58. I'm a flowery coloring girl, so I would love to see bigger flowers to color, with matching containers to hold them. Like mason jar, and planters.

  59. Fantastic site! I love it..I see nothing at all wrong with it..thank you for the chance to win!

  60. There's not much I would change. Maybe improve the search function on the shop website? I don't love how the results show, but that's a relatively minor thing. Your images are wonderful and I love that dies are now available too. Keep up the great work!

  61. Honestly Claire, I can't think of anything to enhance the Waltzingmouse shopping experience. This sounds incredibly crawly, so don't include my in your draw.

    I have always found your email responses prompt, my stamps arrive much more quickly than from the US (I know you have no control over that), and your designs are so different. It can sometimes be difficult to find stamps that have a more "European" feel to them (that probably won't make sense).

    Perhaps, if you could manage a better exchange rate between British pounds and the Aussie dollar, I would be most grateful!!! HA

  62. I love the variety of your products. Your stamp sets have lots of stamps in them, and they work well with other sets, so the versatility of your designs makes them kore desirable. I also love that you have cut files for some of your products. There's only one thing I'd ask you to change, and that is to find a Canadian supplier. With the dollar conversion to US dollars, or to the Euro/£, it can be a deterrent to ordering foreign products. There's also the issue of Customs clearance, as sometimes it can take upwards of 8 weeks for us to clear stuff from the US at the border, and we never know when/if Customs will levy import tariffs on the products I order, which also adds to the cost of the product and also acts as an ordering deterrent. The tariffs are hit and miss, so you can never count on knowing what the final cost of foreign orders will be, until you get them to your door. Having a Canadian supplier would mean we would get our products fairly quickly, and would always know what the final costs with shipping would be.

    Otherwise, I wouldn't change anything. You have a great reputation for providing quality products and great customer service. Thank you for the opportunity to win, and good for you for asking for customer input! ☺

  63. Hello . I love your site and stamps and cannot think of anything much that needs changing.It would be nice to have an option to browse through all your stamps without having to click on a catergory . For when you simply want an inspiration and something new may catch your eye.

  64. I love WMS the way it is - nice mix of stamp designs including some quirky/cute as well as the vintage, fab quality polymer and great customer service. Certainly wouldn't change any of that! I'd love to see some more nature stamps (animals - maybe fox, hare, badger etc, and things like toadstools, crabs, seaweed) along the lines of the vintage garden produce stamps (like etchings from vintage books, I guess) as you do vintage so well.

  65. On the whole I think you do a really good job but I suppose my one beef is the sentiments. I just can't use anything too cheesy so would really like some nice birthday sentiments in a more modern font. After all, I suspect that what most of us make is birthday cards! Thanks, Kate.

  66. First of all, I love your high quality products and shipping is very fast. All went perfect in the past.
    The only thing I imagine that would be cool is if customers could collect orders until they hit the amount for free shipping, if they wish.
    I hope you understood what I mean, sorry for my bad English.

  67. The biggest change I wanted WMS to make all ready happened. I so wanted you to have an U.S. distributor. It seemed insane to make the stamps here and then send them all the way to UK to be sent back to USA. So glad you and Julie were able to work something out. I also agreed with the newer release schedule. So I guess I have no complaints. Not much help I'm afraid!

  68. Once upon a time I wished you were local to me (in the USA) but then you made arrangements to ship most everything you sold from the USA already so that fixed that.
    Then only other thing I would change really isn't something that is a Waltzing Mouse change, it's more a change on my end... I wish I had a bigger craft budget! Your stamps and dies are so clever and unique. I always want to buy them all, but sadly it's just not possible. So I dream and save my pennies.
    Thanks for all you do!

  69. I really like how WMS stamps works. You have a great website that shows the cost in pounds and dollars. I can have stamps shipped from the US rather than Ireland. The website shows examples of the stamps used on cards. You've now added dies to your stamp sets. So I'm a bit stumped on what to say what to improve on. I love your unique look and would hate to say create more stamps to sell if that would mean you would have more designers and put out stamps that look like everyone else's. But that is the only thing I could wish for, more stamps being released.

  70. What a GREAT giveaway!!

    Change: I wish I could buy your lovely stamps and dies in our scrap-shops in Denmark. Sometimes you have to "see with you fingers", if you know, what I mean :)

    I LOVE your stamps.

    Jytte, Denmark :)

  71. I'd love to be able to pay in US funds through the US shipping option.

  72. This is darn near impossible because really this website is always in my "I can't wait to see what they are doing". Your very cutting edge and way ahead of the other sights that I receive via email. Okay...I would add a french bulldog stamp! Yup! That's it. I have only found a couple on ebay and they where not cute. I have one cute one with one die to match. French bulldogs are the IT dog and in every advertisement in paper or t.v. you see them everywhere.

  73. First I got angry: What on earth goes through the head of that girl, since she ask such a stupid question.(I love all your stuff, but dont have the money, to buy everything)
    Next: I thought, well she means it, so we have to give her a straight answer.
    -You designed a lot thats combined to Spellbinders dies. Would it be possible to do with other brands?
    -Can You catch the trends an "see through the woods", making something "I Can´t live without"
    example: I love the Prima mix media dolls from Julie Nutting.
    It calls for background designed stamps or/and dies, that are tall and narrow.
    -Maybe You can tell that a specifik design will be made in a little amount! Customers might grab it sooner ;-)
    -Keep your cost low and most of all, keep Your spirit high.
    YOU are the boss, take time to be YOU, take time to be with Your family and keep in mind, that a lot of us adoor and love the great job you do. Raise your head girl, and smile. You might not be perfect(No one are)but You are very close.
    Please corret wrong words. I do hope You get my point.
    May the sun and the shining stars always find You and Yours.
    Hugs Mona
    I like Your pictures from Ireland, maybe the celtic cross could be stamp and die?

  74. This is a difficult question as your stamps are lovely, and the service great, the blogs are interesting, especially for those of us who don't get out much! Love seeing the photos of your travels. I would like an outlet for your stamps nearer to myself, west London area. But failing this how about some more stamp and matching dies or stamps to complement existing frame dies, I have most of the ones you already make.
    Many thanks Jacqui.

  75. You may already have this but I've not found it. I would like a scoll across the bottom of the page, so you can flick through stamps quickly from all types to enable you to see them larger, a bit like the iTunes scroll, I would then like to put them in a wish list.

  76. I LOVE WM stamps and dies. I would change only one thing and that is on your products available from the USA you have your items listed in sterling pounds. IS there a $$ conversion table available to share on that page as well? Would be most helpful! Thank you for sharing and for caring what your shoppers think!

  77. I love your stamps and I think it's great you make matching dies as well, it saves lotts of time making a card. I miss the weekly challenges because there was a lot of inspiration.
    Hugs José

  78. Claire, I don't think I would change anything about WMS as a company, but I would like to see more birthday verses: you know, the little sayings that go inside of the card so I could stamp the verse and then sign the card, instead of trying to think of enough words to fill up the inside of the card. Thanks!! :-) Helen

  79. I would change nothing except for u to add some fairies. thanks

  80. I can't think of a single thing I would change. I love that WMS makes dies that match the stamps. You are always coming out with wonderful things to temp me.

  81. Claire, I suppose one reason that there are no comments to this post yet is because none of us can think of something we would want to change about WALTZINGMOUSE stamps. There is a list of stamps I would like to save up for that are in your stock (that big owl, and the art deco stamps to name a few) but Other than not being able to buy them all now, I can't think of anything I would change. I love your designs and your writing (stories and blogposts) are great! Especially your unique wordings and Irish take on things...being from the Pacific Northwest of the USA. What a change seems to be coming, hoping you can weather the storm to keep designing and sharing your creative talent.

  82. The one thing I would change is the way the stamps are categorized in the left hand index on the website. I find the Christmas, Holiday & events and Seasonal categories overlapping and confusing. Why are Old Country Roses under Christmas? Or the Crackle Backgrounders? Or Nordic Spring? I would love a category for romance or love (to cover Valentines and weddings), thanks and birthday. Thanks for asking!

  83. Gosh, I didn't think you needed any changing. I love your clean and simple blog look. It loads so quickly and I love the little sharing buttons. You allow us to follow by e-mail (my favorite way to follow) I can find what I need on the page and it's the same way in the store.

  84. Thank you for all your fabulous stamps and products that make crafting so much more fun and exciting! Love them! Appreciate your generous giveaway too!

  85. I've given this question a considerable amount of thought. I don't think the company needs to make any substantial changes (especially now that you ship from the United States, although I'm sure my Canadian neighbors would love shipping from there). You as the designer/owner/operator have done a great job sharing your artistic abilities with those of us not so blessed. However, I am not a card maker, I'm a scrapbooker. I first stumbled upon your little corner of the world because I was following links from Spellbinders. I fell in love with the coordinating stamps you had for Labels 4. They are easy for me to use on scrapbook pages. I have a hard time looking at some other stamps and trying to imagine how I would use them on a page. So, my suggestion isn't about product development, or changes to the store, or the loyalty program - but more of a request to the design team to showcase how your lovely designs can be incorporated into an everyday scrapbook page.

  86. I love stamp sets and with that, the ease and versatility of cutting them out after stamping. I used to fussy cut all the time, but since the influx of companion dies specifically targeted to cut out the form/shape of stamps paired with them, I find myself less and less inclined to fussy cut. My well of patience just isn't as readily overflowing for the task. And while I love the idea behind cutting out the shape electronically, I just don't use my electronic cutter. I don't have space to keep it out in the open and that keeps me from reaching for it and using it regularly.
    I go for my dies. To me, they are more versatile with materials; I can store them with their designed stamp set so they are within quick and easy reach; and they are convenient (I don't have to boot my computer up or launch applications or connect a stored machine to use them).
    I think you can see where this is heading... I would personally love to see more companion dies available that pair with the stamp sets released so I can cut them out of what I want, when I want. :)

  87. It would be nice to have a Flickr group or at least somewhere on the website to see what other people are making with WMS stamps, and to upload WMS projects! Ger x

  88. Wow! What a great chance to win a wonderful gift! Thank you Claire! You know, I really love all your amazing stamps and I really hope that you will continue making stamps and be able to sell them all around the world without too many problems… I've read that it's not an easy time now but hopefully it will get better!
    The only thing I really miss and I was really so sad when it stopped is… The sketch challenges!!!! Yes, I know, the Bedtime Story is also great, but I think that just only one sketch, let's say every second or third week would be great!!!! It was so great to be sometimes a top mouse and receive the cute little badge to put on the blog… Even it's just a badge, it gave such a happy feeling!! This is something I miss a lot!! I haven't had time to play now because of our cute one year old little guy but the time will come when I'll start again…
    So yes, definitively, I would have a sketch challenge with the opportunity to win a badge (and why not draw one winner for a stamp set also…) I think it was so nice to comment all the other players when all made the same challenge… And there were so many players trying to make their best to win the cute badge… So I would say only one challenge at a time and a badge for the three best ones!
    But otherwise, continue your great work, Claire, You are AMAZING!! With lot's of love and hugs,


  89. I love the store, the stamps and definitely your delivery times. I appreciate how you keep customers informed of any delays, out of stock and changes in policy. My improvement would be to the WM Forum. I have lots of trouble logging in and now have 3 identities. It means that I tend to rely on Pinterest and don't get to see as much inspiration from WM that I would like.

  90. At the moment, I can't really think of anything I would suggest changing. I like that you changed the releases to the same date each time and I especially like that you offer shipping from the US. Thanks for the awesome blog candy chance.

  91. I love your stamps. Love your cards too but for some reason I kinda assume the price is a bit high? It's in UK Pounds and I always think UK pounds is expensive (than US$). So one thing I would suggest is to have a button to change currency to US (or others currency) so it gets a bit easier for me to figure out how much. Thank you.

  92. I don't request any changes. LOL I think you and your shop are delightful, Claire! I'm ashamed to say, I only have one WM stamp set. I'm so glad to see we can order from the US shipper. And love that price converts to US too. Thanks Paulette S.
    craftqueen417 at yahoo dot com
    paulettesprettypapercrafts dot wordpress dot com

  93. To be honest, I do not believe that I own any of your stamps. So the one thing I would change is to get some! I have looked through your store and you have unique and pretty designs. I love your Hello, Happy, Thanks. I am always looking for a Thank you sentiment!

  94. I have looked through your store and you have unique and pretty designs..


Thanks for taking the time to comment, :) I read them all and I appreciate you taking time to visit!