
Wednesday 18 September 2013

...New for September - Vintage Witch

ED - This competition has now closed.

ED - I can't believe it either Kerri, I must be missing a vital, common-sense brain function...

Good morning folks, my samples are all super simple this week since I am still up to my eyes in packing, but I look forward to the day when I can play a little longer with these images.

A real 'live' Vintage Witch - she is already over 150 years old and she's the kind of gal who will never really go out of style, given that she's pretty much perfect, for a witch that is...

I stamped her simply in black on a tag and edged that tag with black distress embossing powder.

I got to like her more and more while I worked with the image to translate it into stampable graphics, check out that chin!

Halloween is going vintage this year at my house in case you had not realised and this is the main image in the Vintage Witch stamp set due for release on Thursday evening. Can't wait for the reveal!

DT ladies previewing with me today are:

 Sure hope these tickle - and I'd really love to know - so leave me a comment here on this post telling me which looks like your fave set so far and I will randomly draw a lucky winner to win their choice of set from the new release! draw will take place this coming Thursday and winner will be posted at 6;00pm my time, just before the release takes place.


  1. I don't do Halloween but I love what I have seen from your DT ladies. I will definitely buy some of the vintage images that I can use for other occasions. I also love the splat set, so can't wait to see all the sets tomorrow. Hugs, Kate xxx

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This stamp is amazing, so detailed! I love this one and The Count and adore the Splat set....why do you make us pick a favourite? I love them all! But maybe.....hmmmm....ermmm....The Vintage Witch set, she is just awesome!

  4. I'm not a huge Halloween fan so the ritz set is my hands down fave this month (although I do like the count as well as he has non hallow possibilities)
    Tara x

  5. I would have to say the Vintage Witch is my fav so far with the Count not far behind! Such creative designs by the DT too!

  6. They're all so different and unusual (in such a good way!) but I think the Art deco backgrounders so far! Fabulous projects as always!

  7. Wow! I love the details! All of these sets are gorgeous. Hard to pick, but I guess the witch is my favorite.

  8. Cannot believe you have a release while moving! Some people work better under pressure, but this is pushing it. Anyway, I am in love with spooky tree. And I like the witch. And probably some more while I am at it. Thanks so much!

  9. My favourite set so far is Putting on the Ritz.

  10. Pick one? Gee, that is so hard. I Absolutely LOVE that tree, the witch, the count and the Splat. I guess if I have to pick one, I just love that tree!

  11. LOVE THIS WITCH!!!!! Gorgeous tag!

  12. I just read where you wanted to know which set is our favorite.....I think so far the Raven...

  13. Love the witch, just what I've been looking for.

  14. The Count! Love him! This is the best vampire stamp I've ever seen!

  15. Claire, Claire, what are you doing to me??? I can't pick one over the other. Just love, love the vintage of them all. Roll on Thursday!

  16. I really like them all! If I have to pick it would be the Splat That.

  17. Claire, got to see some of the terrific sentiments in these sets and have to say, crazy about the vintage look! the spooky tree is getting to me!
    Much good wishes on the move. Never easy, but all will be worth it soon!

  18. Well- what can I say -how do you manage to choose a favourite from such a fabulous release! If I had to choose only one - I would go with the Deco set - as we don't really do Halloween now the children have flown my nest! Might just have to get at least one set though as they are so brilliant - very "grown up" Halloween methinks.J x

  19. I love All Hallow's Eve! That church and the raven. Just wonderfully spooky.

  20. Oh Claire! It's PERFECT!!!!! I HAVE to find some cash... I really just have to have this witch!!! Fabulous job!!!!

  21. All of the sets look fantastic but I think I would get a lot of use out of the Splat set.Great for backgrounds - and for those difficult cards for the male of the species!

  22. I am not a Haloween person, so the Opera Tags Christmas or Art Deco Backgrounder would have to be my favourites from this release. Good luck with the move!

  23. Claire, it is impossible to choose! Please don't make me! I will just have to have them all! ;)

  24. It's a toss up between the Count Dracula and the witch. Both are so cool. Good luck with the move and the release. Thanks for the chance to win a great stamp.

  25. WOW!! I thought the beginning of the release was amazing but its getting better by the day. I absolutely love todays stamps and the DT have done a fantastic job showing them off. TFS. Hugs xNx

  26. I love the Art Deco Backgrounders, they are stunning, especially your sample! Look forward to Thursday. Love Helen

  27. I adore Halloween stamps and your new ones are just fantastic! Love your tag!

  28. More of a "ritzy girl than a ghoul, but i do dig the Count.( so debonair). I didn't know a vampire had to be invited in in order to do his...thing.

  29. Oh I'm loving
    The Count! Looks
    so crisp and has
    a great attitude.
    Carla from Utah

  30. I am not into Halloween so I like the Putting on the Ritz set.

  31. Gorgeous images, Claire! So detailed and so unique and perfectly spooky. I love your tag! I think my fav so far is the All Hallow's Eve set, but Spooky Tree looks pretty awesome, too. Can't wait for the full reveal.

    Hope you have a gang of family and friends to help you with your move. It makes the process a little bit less stressful.

  32. My favorite is the tree branch! I think it is so versatile! I love the Christmas card I saw that showed it all glittered with "snow"!

  33. Your contributions may seem simple to you but, they are wonderful!! I don't think I can pic a FAV.....the art deco is so unique (eeek!) and the Halloween ones are too!!

  34. Such an amazing vintage, witch!!

  35. Well, until today it was Dracula and he might still be my favorite in the end but witchy-poo, at this moment, is in the lead.

  36. I love them all, but I think All Hallows Eve would be my favorite set. Your have a wonderful design team! Thanks for the chance to win one of these great sets.

  37. The skeletal tree branches are the best! Very spooky!

  38. Fabulous release. I think that tree is my favorite.

  39. The Christmas set for the Opera Tags - I am such a sucker for Christmas - is my fave, although I enjoyed the Art Deco and the way Kelly used the Spooky Tree for winter.

  40. Claire... these peeks have been fantastic! I like ALL of the sets... but if forced to choose.. it would have to be the vintage witch! I can't wait to see them all when released!!

  41. I have just been to the shop didn't realise they aren't released til 6!! So gutted I can hardly wait!!! Unfortunately I have to go out tonight so I will have to wait til tomorrow oh no!!! I love the Spooky Tree it would be so useful for so many things but to be perfectly honest I am in love with them all!!!! Susan x

  42. I like the art deco backgrounder and the stamps set with the ink/paint spots.

  43. I have my eye on a few sets in this amazing release but have got to say that my absolute favourite is Putting On The Ritz. I've been walking around with the song buzzing in my head ever since seeing the DT's beautiful samples.

  44. So looking forward to this release, they are all fab-my favourite is the Vintage Witch, just perfect for OĆ­che Shamhna!

  45. Its the spooky tree for me - very versatile, I can see it embossed in sparkle white for Christmas cards too.


  46. Choose one? Really? Well, if I must, I must say I'm certainly drawn to the Vintage Witch.

  47. They all look fab but the Art Deco backgrounders are my fave set with the Putting On The Ritz set a very close second. The design team samples were fabulous. Hurry up 7.15pm!!!!!

  48. well, you've made it so difficult claire! which one to choose??
    I love that witch.. she is so so witchy
    but i love the trees! so spooky!

    but i really adore the art deco. so fancy and gatsby, i just love love it!

    its really too hard for me to choose!

  49. From what I've managed to see so far, Claire, I think my favourite is Putting on the Ritz... loving all the Gatsby-esque style around atm... but the Spooky Tree is simply stunning too!! Lol Can't wait to see the full reveal later!! :)
    Hope all is going well with your move!! :)
    hugs, Rxx

  50. This month's offerings are all so unique and totally fab! My favorite is the Ritz background ... love all the detail!!

  51. Claire, I didn't even make Halloween until seeing your beautiful projects...and now I own almost every Halloween set you've made! This release is fabulous yet again, but I'm in love with the count...he's so dashing and dangerous...the kind of old world bad boy that drives girls wild! ;)

  52. Everything I have seen is simply stunning but I have to say that Vintage Witch is my fav...she is fabulous.

  53. I'm not sure if my comment went through.. My favourite is Putting on the Ritz! The background is also wonderful!

  54. 'putting on the ritz' and the 'art deco backgrounders' have certainly caught my eye! (even though i still can't seem to get the hang of using big backgrounds - for the art deco i just might persevere!)

  55. It is so hard to pick between the new Backgrounders and Putting on the Ritz, I think you really need them together! Great release!

  56. Halloween is my favorite holiday! I can never resist Halloween stamps and these are awesome!

  57. Although I love the vintage vibe and detail of the Count and witch images, we don't really do Halloween. So my favorite this time would be Putting on the Ritz. Thanks for a chance to win, and congrats on a great release!

  58. Hi Claire

    Well, what shall I say? Normally I'm not the "Halloween type", i.e. I don't decorate the house at Halloween and I usually don't send cards for Halloween. BUT I must admit that I love your Halloween sets with Count Dracula and the spoky tree background as well as the spoky tree with the crow on it. They just look great.
    I already look forward to seeing all stamps of your new sets.

    Kind regards

  59. The details on this is amazing. You have some of the best stamps around. I'm not normally a Halloween decorator but this makes me want to indulge!

  60. Well Claire - this is tough. Since moving to the US, Halloween has become quite big here (mind I used to do it in the UK too!). I love the splats as I can see that set being used often. Love the spooky trees too. Looking forward to this evening ;))

  61. I really love the witch, but I am not a celebrator of holloween. But she is awesome!!
    Jennifer Williams


Thanks for taking the time to comment, :) I read them all and I appreciate you taking time to visit!