
Wednesday 10 April 2013

April Christmas Card Challenge

WMS Christmas Card Challenge Logo_2013
Hello crafting people! Today Linda Suarez is our hostess for the April Waltzingmouse Stamps Christmas Card Challenge and I hope that you will consider joining us for this fun challenge. We enjoy providing you with the opportunity to make a few Christmas cards each month so that you won’t be in a panic come December in addition to bringing inspiration to others who may need a little nudge to being making Christmas cards in early spring. We all know that December brings enough panic what with all the preparation and gift buying without adding the pressure of having to make 50 cards in one month, so why not get started today?
Linda has a very creative challenge for us, and here is just a peek of her beautiful creation.
For general guidelines for the challenge, please check out this post here.
You may join in the challenge by posting your challenge cards to your blog, or just to the forum. Feel free to grab this cute little WMS Christmas Card Challenge logo at the top of this post if you like. You can post them in April or any month you have your project completed. Then, just pop into the forum and let us know you have posted your project....because we all want to see your creative projects, and we love the WMS inspiration – anytime of the year.
Have a great day!

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Thanks for taking the time to comment, :) I read them all and I appreciate you taking time to visit!